Soundarya Lahari Sloka 13 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 13

“Naram Varsheeyaamsam Nayanavirasam Narmasu Jadam
Thavaapaangaalokey Pathithamanudhaavanthi Shathasha!
Galaddveneebandhaaha Kuchalakalashavisrasthasichayaa
Hathaath Thrutyaathkaanchyo Vigalithadukoolaa Yuvathayaha!”

Literal Meaning:

“If Thy gracious side-glance falls on a very decrepit old man who is ugly to look at and whose erotic sensibilities are dead, he will be followed in all haste, by love-lorn young women in their hundreds, having their locks scattered, their rounded breasts exposed by the loosening of their upper robes, and their girdles suddenly broken in excitement, thus letting their silken robes slip down.”

Yantra for Soundarya Lahari Sloka 13

Mode of worship:

Yantra to be made on gold or lead plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times daily, for 6 (16) days.


Chant Lalitha Thrishati offering vermillion.


Cooked rice and scrapings of coconut kernel mixed with powdered jaggery and milk.


Power to attract women and cures impotency.

Literal Results:

Ability to magnetise women. Increase of virility in men.