Soundarya Lahari Sloka 44
“Thanothu Kshemam Nasthava Vadanasoundaryalaharee
Pareevaaahasrothahsaraniriva Seemanthasaranihi! Vahanthee Sindooram Prabalakabareebhaarathimira-
Dvishaam Brindairbandeekruthamiva Naveenaarkakiranam!”
Literal Meaning:
“May we be blessed by the parting middle line of Thy hair, which appears to be a canal for carrying the overflowing flood of beauty of Thy face. The streak of vermillion adorning that line looks like the rays of the rising sun, imprisoned as it were, by the darkness of the thick locks of hair.
Yantra for Soundarya Lahari Sloka 44
“Mode of worship:
Yantra to be made on finely ground turmeric powder or powder of saffron, placed in a silver plate. Sit facing South-East. Chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 12 days.
Chant Lalitha Sahasranama offering red flowers or vermillion.
Milk boiled with a little saffron, honey, coconut and fruits.
Cures hysteria as well as other diseases and sufferings, enables person to gain mastery over others.
Literal Results:
Prosperity (sowbhagyam) for women. New oppurtunities and a sense of well-being even during crisis. Magnetic looks.