Mantra to get success in Business

Om hreem sreem kleem maha-lakshmai nama:om namo bhagava’ u goyamassa budhassa akheenassa bhaaswaree hreem nama: swaahaa. How to Recite: Mantra should be chanted every morning after taking bath. Recite for 108 times or 1008 times as per your convenience. Benefits: The one who is performing this process regularly will get good wealth. Can gain profit …

Mantra for Getting Profit in Business

Every business person wants to earn enormous profit in their business and can attain all round success in their business life. How to Recite: Recite the following mantra for 108 times daily morning or evening before sunset. Mantra for Getting Profit: Om hreem sreem arham asi aa u saa Anahatha-vidheyam arham nama.

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 6 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 6 “Dhanuh Paushpam Maurvi Madhukaramayi Panchavishikaah Vasanthah Saamantho Malayamarudaayodhanarathaha! Thathaapyekaha Sarvam Himagirisuthe Kaamapi Krupaam Apaangaaththe Labdhvaa Jagadidamanango Vijayathe!” Literal Meaning: Oh daughter of the snow-clad Himalaya mountain!Kaamadeva, the God of love, has only a bow made of arrows, with its string comprised of a cluster of honeybees, and arrows barely five. The …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 7 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 7 “Kvanathakancheedhaamaa Karikalabhakumbhasthananathaa Pariksheenaa Madhye Parinathashcharaschandravadanaa! Dhanurbaanaan Paasham Srunimapi Dadhaanaa Karathalaihi Purasthaadaasthaam Nah Puramadhithuraahopurushikaa!” Literal Meaning: “May the divine Mother with Her slender waist girdled with jingling mini-bells, body slightly bent in the middle by the weight of Her breast resembling the frontal globes of the forehead of a young elephant, Her …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 8 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 8 “Sudhaasindhormadhye Suravitapivaateeparivruthe Manidweepe Neepopavanavathee Chinthamanigruhe! Shivaakaare Manche Paramashivaparyankanilayaam Bhajanthi Thvaam Dhanyaaha Kathichana Chidaanandalahareem!” Literal Meaning: “Fortunate are those few, who worship Thee, the inundation of Bliss-Consciousness, as reclining on a mattress that is Paramashiva ( the Supreme Shiva or Sadashiva) spread on a couch which too is an aspect of Shiva, …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 5 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 5 “Haristhvaamaaraadhya Pranathajanasowbhaagyajanani Pura Naaree Bhoothvaa Puraripumapi Kshobanayath Smaropi Thvaam Nathvaa Rathinayanalehyena Vapushaa Muneenaamapyanthaha Prabhavathi Hi Mohaaya Mahathaam!’ Meaning: “Adoring Thee who art the Bestower of all prosperity on all Thy votaries, Hari (Vishnu) was once able to become a charming female and stir waves of passion in the mind of the …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 4 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 4 “Thvadanyaha Paanibhyaamabhayavarado Daivathaganaha Thvamekaa Naivaasi Prakatithavaraabheethyabhinayaa! Bhayaatthraathum Daathum Phalamapi Cha Vaanchaasamadhikam Sharanye Lokaanaam Thava Hi Charanaaveva Nipunau!” Meaning: “All deities except Thee,vouchsafe protection to devotees and grant their desires by gestures of their hands. Thou alone art not given to any such external demonstration of giving boons and shelter. It is …