Soundarya Lahari Sloka 39
“Thava Swadhishtaaney Huthavahamadhishtaaya Niratham
Thameedey Samvartham Janani Mahathee Thaam Cha Samayaam!
Yadaalokey Lokaan Dahathi Mahathi Krodhakalithey
Dayaardraa Yaa Drushtihi Shishiramupachaaram Rachayathi!”
Literal Meaning:
“Oh Mother! Invoking Samvartha, the Lord of the fire of Dissolution in the Fire Element of Thy Swadhistana Chakram, I adore Him along with Thee, Samaya, the great Potency of Rudra. When the angry looks fo Rudra burn up the Universe, it is Thy glance drenched with pity that renders a cooling treatment.”
Yantra for Soundarya Lahari Sloka 39

Mode of worship:
Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate on holy ashes on a silver plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 108 times daily for 12 days.
Chant Lalitha Sahasranama offering vermillion at centre of the Yantra.
Rice cooked with green-gram pulse and pepper; milk-gruel and fruits.
Beneficial Results:
Frees person from bad and fearful dreams. Relief from doubts and suspecting nature.
Literal Results:
Activates Swadhishtana chakram. Enhances creativity and sexual urge.