Soundarya Lahari Sloka 40
Thavaha Shyaamam Megham Kamapi Manipooraikasharanam
Nisheyvey Varshantham Haramihirathaptham Thribhuvanam!”
Literal Meaning:
“I worship that unique dark-blue rain cloud which abides ever in the manipura with lightning in the form of Shakthi, dispelling darkness, with the rainbow formed by the dazzling variegated gem-decked ornaments (of Devi), sending showers on the Universe that has been burnt by the sun of Rudra.”

Mode of worship:
Yantra to be made on gold sheet or on powdered salt levelled on a silver plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 4000 times daily for 45 days.
Chant Lalitha Sahasranama offering vermillion.
Cooked rice mixed with curd, milk-gruel, fruits, betels and areca nut slices.
Beneficial Results:
Fore-sight into future events and freedom from ignorance.
Literal Results:
Accumulation of gems and jewellery, activation of manipura chakram, cooling of body and mind.