Margazhi Month which is also known as Tamil Margali Masam is considered a very auspicious month for religious activities. This month starts closer to 15 December of any year and ends around 15 Jan of the new year (exact dates vary and are one or two days around 15th). During this period Sun is closest to the earth and gravitational pull from the Sun is at its maximum.
Margazhi month is also famous and various Hindu festivals and events occur in it. Hanuman Jayanthi and Ramana Maharishi Jayanthi are some festivals which fall in this month. It is considered as the month of Bhakti, Music and Kolams. During Tamil Margali Masam days are shorter and nights are longer.
Drawing Kolams in front of the house during this month is considered auspicious. In this article we bring to you several rangoli’s which were made to celebrate Margazhi month.