Tag «சௌந்தர்ய லஹரி பாடல்கள்»

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 20 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 20 with Meaning and Yantra “Kirantheemanygebhyaha Kirananikurumbaamrutharasam Hrudi Thvaamaadhatthe Himakarashilaamoorthimiva Yaha! Sa Sarpaanaam Darpam Shamayathi Shakunthaadhipa Iva Jvarapplushtaan Dhrushtya Sukhayathi Sudhaadhaarasirayaa!” Literal Meaning: “He who meditates on Thee who sends forth luminous waves of bliss from Thy body, as an idol made of moonstone, will be capable of humbling the pride and …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 19 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 19 “Mukham Bindum Krithvaa Kuchayugamadhasthasya Thadadho Haraardha Dhyaayedhyo Haramahishi They Manmathakalaam! Sa Sadyaha Sankshobham Nayathi Vanitha Ithyathilaghu Thrilokeemapyaashu Bhramayathi Raveendusthanayugaam!’ ​ Literal Meaning: “Oh Consort of Hara! The one who thinks of a woman’s face in the bindu ( the dot in the triangle), her twin breasts below it and the half …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 18 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 18 “Thanuchchaayaabhisthe Tharunatharanishreesaranibhihi Divam Sarvaamurveemarunimanimagnaam Smarathi Yaha! Bhavanthyasya Thrasyadvanaharinashaaleenanayanaaha Sahorvashyaa Vashyaaha Kathi Kathi Na Geervaanaganikaahaa!” Literal Meaning: “How can numerous celestial courtesans including Urvashi, with eyes bashful like those of a frightened deer of the forest, do not become fascinated by a person who meditates on the beauty of Thy form which …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 17 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 17 “Savithribhirvaachaam Shashimanishilaabhangaruchibhihi Vashinyaadyaabhisthvaam Saha Janani Sanchinthayanthi Yaha! Sa Karthaa Kaavyaanaam Bhavathi Mahathaam Bhangiruchibhihi Vachobhirvaagdeveevadanakamalaamodamadhuraihi-!” Literal Meaning: O Mother! Those who meditate on Thee in association with Vashini and allied deities- who are all the sources of speech and whose radiance resembles the lustre of freshly cut moonstone-can become the authors of …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 16 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 16 “Kaveendraanaam Chethahkamalavanabaalaathaparuchim Bhajanthe Ye Santhaha Kathichidarunaameva Bhavatheem! Virinchipreyasyaastharunatharashrungaaralaharee Gabheeraabhirvaagbhirvidadhathi Sathaam Ranjanamamee!” Literal Meaning: “O Mother, Thou Aruna, the crimson-coloured Goddess, art like the light of morning’s rising sun to the lotus flowers constituted of the minds of gifted poets (helping as Thou dost, their poesy to blossom forth). Therefore, those devoted …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 15 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 15 “Sharathjyothsnaashubhraam Shashiyuthajataajootamakutaam Varatthraasathraanasphatikaghatikaapusthakakaraa-m! Sakrunna Thvaa Nathvaa Kathamiva Sathaam Sannidadhathe Madhuksheeradraakshaamadhurimadhureenaaha Phanithayaha!” Literal Meaning: “How can torrents of words, excelling even honey, milk and grapes, help flowing from the mouth of good men who once make prostration to Thee who art endowed with the lustre of the autumnal moon, who art holding …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 14 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 14 “Kshithau Shatpanchaashadvisamadhikapanchaashadudake Huthaashe Dwaashashtishchathuradhikapanchaashadanile ! Divi Dwihshat-thrimshanmanasi Cha Chathuhshashtirithi Ye Mayookhaastheshaamapyupari Thava Paadaambujayugam!” Litera Meaning: “In the bindu in the centre of the sahasraara is Thy transcendent abode, far above the chakra to which Thy Rays (or luminous manifestation of Shakthis) reach in the following combinations: Fifty-six in the moolaadhaara comprised …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 13 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 13 “Naram Varsheeyaamsam Nayanavirasam Narmasu Jadam Thavaapaangaalokey Pathithamanudhaavanthi Shathasha! Galaddveneebandhaaha Kuchalakalashavisrasthasichayaa Hathaath Thrutyaathkaanchyo Vigalithadukoolaa Yuvathayaha!” Literal Meaning: “If Thy gracious side-glance falls on a very decrepit old man who is ugly to look at and whose erotic sensibilities are dead, he will be followed in all haste, by love-lorn young women in …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 12 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 12 “Thvadeeyam Soundaryam Thuhinagirikanye Thulayithum Kaveendraaha Kalpanthe Kathamapi Virinchiprabhruthayaha! Yadaalokouthsukyaadamaralalanaa Yaanthi Manasaa Thapobhirdushpraapaamapi Girishasaayujyapadaveem!” Literal Meaning: “Oh, Daughter of the snow-clad Mountain! The best of thinkers-Brahma and others- are at great pains to find a suitable comparison to Thy beauty. Even the celestial damsels, out of great eagerness to get a glimpse …