Tag «சௌந்தர்ய லஹரி பாடல்கள்»

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 74 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 74 “Vahathyamba Sthambeyramadanuja Kumbhaprakruthibhihi Samaarabdhaam Mukthaamanibhiramalaam Haaralathikaam! Kuchaabhogo Bimbaadhararuchibhiranthaha Shabalithaam Prathaapavyaamishraam Puradamayithuhu Keerthimiva They!” Literal Meaning: O Mother! The expanse of Thy breasts bears a creeper-like necklace made of pearls got from the frontal globe of Gajaasura (the elephant-demon). It rests there with its white brilliance variegated from within by the reflection …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 73 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 73 “Amoo They Vakshojaavamrutharasamaanikyakuthupau Na Sandehaspando Nagapathipathaakey Manasi Naha! Pibanthau Thau Yasmaadavidithavadhoosangarasikau Kumaaraavadyaapi Dviradavadanakraunchadalanau!” Literal Meaning: “O the Mountain-King flags of victory!Thy two breasts, for sure, are the jars made of ruby and filled with nectar, tha immortal drink. For, it is by drinking their contents that Thy two sons, the mountain-piercing …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 72 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 72 “Samam Devi Skandadvipavadanapeetham Sthanayugam Thavedam Naha Khedam Sathatham Prasnuthamukham! Yadaalokyaashankaakulithahrudayo Haasajanakaha Svakumbhau Heyrambaha Parimrushathi Hastheyna Jhatithi!” Literal Meaning: “O Mother! May Thy pair of breasts, from which milk is flowing always and which are being simultaneously sucked by both Skanda and Ganesha, Thy sons, expel our sorrows. All of a sudden, …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 71 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 71 “Nakhaanaamudyothairnavanalinaraagam Vihasathaam Karaanaam They Kaanthim Kathaya Kathayaamah Kathamumey! Kayaachidvaa Saamyam Bhajathu Kalayaa Hanthaha Kamalam Yadi Kreedallakshmeecharanathalalaakshaarasachanam!” Literal Meaning: “O Uma! Pray, tell us how we can describe the splendour of Thy hands, which, being lit up with the radiance of Thy nails, surpasses the brightness of the mornings’ lotus blooms. Lotus …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 70 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 70 “Mrunaaleemrudvinaam Thava Bhujalathaanaam Chathasrunaam Chathurbhihi Soundaryam Sarasijabhavaha Stauthi Vadanaihi! Nakhebhyaha Santhrasyan Prathamamathanaadanthakaripoho Chathurnaam Sheershaanaam Samamabhayahasthaarpanadhiyaa!” Literal Meaning : “The lotus-born Brahma, being afraid of the finger-nails of Sadaashiva, with which the latter once nipped off Brahmaa’s fifth head, is now praising, simultaneously with the remaining four faces, the loveliness of Thy …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 69 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 69 “Galey Rekhaasthisro Gathigamakageethaikanipuney Vivaavahavyaanaddhapragunagunasankhyaaprathibhuvaha! Viraajanthey Naanaavidhamadhuraraagaakarabhuvaam Thrayaanaam Graamaanaam Sthithiniyamaseemaana Iva They!” Literal Meaning: “O Mistress of the musical modes, modulations and songs! The three lines on Thy neck indicating the number of strings in the auspicious cord fastened at the time of Thy wedding, shine like boundaries demarcating the three musical …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 68 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 68 “Bhujaasleshaannithyam Puradamayithuhu Kantakavathi Thava Greevaa Datthey Mukhakamalanaalashriyamiyam! Svathaha Shwethaa Kaalaagarubahulajambaalamalinaa Mrunaaleelaalithyam Vahathi Yadadho Haaralathikaa!” Literal Meaning: “Thy neck always thrilled by the embrace of the destroyer of cities (Shiva)displays the gracefulness of the stalk of the lotus. Thy face, with the naturally white garland of pearls below, darkened by the application …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 67 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 67 “Karaagrena Sprushtam Thuhinagirinaa Vathsalathayaa Gireeshonodastham Muhuradharapaanaakulathyaa! Karagraahyam Shambhormukhakuravruntham Girisuthey Kathamkaaram Broomasthava Chubukamaupamyarahitham!” Literal Meaning: “O Daughter of the Mountain! How can we poets describe the unmatched beauty of Thy chin, which is touched with all affection by Thy father the Mounatain King, and which is again and again lifted up by …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 66 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 66 “Vipanchyaa Gaayanthee Vividhamapadaanam Pashupatheyhe Thvayaarabdhey Vakthum Chalithashirasaa Saadhuvachaney! Thadeeyairmaadhuryairapalapithathanthrikalaravaam Nijaam Veenaam Vaanee Nichulayathi Choleyna Nibhrutham!” Literal Meaning: “While Saraswathi, the Goddess of learning and fine arts, is singing with the veena about the various glorious deeds of Shiva, Thou beginneth to express words of appreciation, nodding Thy head. The sweetness of …