Soundarya Lahari Sloka 65 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 65 “Raney Jithvaa Daithyaanapahruthashirasthraihi Kavachibhihi Nivrutthaishchandaamshathripuraharanirmaalyavimukhaihi! Vishaakhendropendraihi Shashivishadakapoorashakalaaha Vileeyanthey Maathasthava Vadanathaamboolakabalaaha!” Literal Meaning: “Rejecting the remains of the offerings made to Shiva, as they are the share of the devotee Chanda, celestials like Kumaara, Indraa and Vishnu after their victory over the demons, come to and Thee, with their head dress removed …