Tag «soundarya lahari slokas with meanings»

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 64 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 64 “Avishraantham Pathyurgunaganakadhaamredanajapaa Japaapushpachchaayaa Thava Janani Jihvaa Jayathi Saa! Yadagraaseenaayaaha Sphatikadrushadachchachchavimayee Saraswathyaa Moorthihi Parinamathi Maanikyavapushaa!” Literal Meaning: “O Mother!Glory to Thy tongue that defies the lustrous redness of the hibiscus flower. It is constantly engaged in mutterings that give expression to the glories of Thy consort. The redness of that tongue is …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 63 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 63 “Smithajyothsnaajaalam Thava Vadanchandrasya Pibathaam Chakoraanaamaaseedathirasathaya Chanchujadhimaa! Athasthey Sheethaamshoramruthalahareemaamlatharuchayaha Pibanthi Svachchandam Nishinishi Bhrusham Kaanjhikadiyaa!” Literal Meaning: “The Chakora bird has got its tongue insensitised because of the extreme satiety generated by drinking the luminous light of Thy smiling face.It is for this reason that every night it drinks the waves of nectar …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 62 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 62 “Prakruthyaa Rakthaayaasthava Sudathi Danthachchadaruchey Pravakshye Saadrushyam Janayathu Phalam Vidrumalathaa! Na Bimbam Thathbimbaprathiphalanaraagaadarunitham Thulaamadhyaarodhum Kathamiva Vilajjetha Kalayaa!” Literal Meaning: “O, Goddess with beautiful teeth! I shall mention a likeness to the splendour of Thy naturally red lips. But I am afraid I shall have to wait for this until the coral creeper …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 61 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 61 “Asau Naasaavamshasthuhinagiravamshadhwajapati Thvadeeyo Nedeeyaha Phalathu Phalamasmaakamuchitham! VahathyantharmukthaahanShishirakaranishvaasagalitham Samruddhyaa Yatthaasaam Bahirapi Cha Mukthaamanidharaha!” Literal Meaning: “O flag of the race of the Snowy Mountain! May Thy bamboo-like nose ridge bestow on us the desired fruit. The hollow of that staff-like nose is full of pearls, for it is out of their abundance …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 60 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 60 “Saraswathyaaha Sooktheermruthalaharee Kaushalahareehi Pibanthyaaha Sharvaani Shravanachulukaabhyaamaviralam! Chamathkaarashlaaghaachalithasirasaha Kundalagano Jhanathkaaraisthaaraihi Prathivachanamaachashta Iva They!” Literal Meaning: “O Consort of Shiva! Saraswathi, the Goddess of Learning, imbibing continuously through the cup of Her ears Thy sweet speech that humbles the sweetness of the nectar (the immortal drink) replies congratulating Thee, as it were, by …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 59 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 59 “Sphurathgandaabhoga Prathiphalithathaatankayugalam Chathushchakram Manye Thava Mukhamidam Manmatharatham! Yamaaruhya Druhyathyavanirathamarkenducharanam Mahaaveero Maaraha Pramathapathaye Sajjithavathey!” Literal Meaning: “I fancy that Thy face, having two ear-ornaments and their reflection in Thy glistening cheeks, is verily the four-wheeled chariot of manmathaa, the God of love who can stir the mind of people to its depth. …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 58 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 58 “Araalam They Paaleeyugalamagaraajanyathanaye Na Keshaamaadhatthey Kusumasharakodhandakuthukam! Thiraascheeno Yathra Shravanapathamullanghya Vilasan Apaangavyaasango Dishathi Sharasandhaanadhishanam!” Literal Meaning: “O Daughter of the Mountain King!To whom will not Thy ‘Paalis'(curved into space between the eyes and the ears) create the curiosity of (whether it is not) the bow of Kaamaa, the flower-arrowed God of love? …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 57 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 57 “Drishaa Dhraagheeyasyaa Daradalithaneelothpalaruchaa Daveeyaamsam Deenam Snapaya Krupayaa Maamapi Shivey! Aneynaayam Dhanyo Bhavathi Na Cha They Haaniriyathaa Vaney Vaa Harmye Vaa Samakaranipaatho Himakaraha!” Literal Meaning: “O Auspicious One! Grace my miserable self too, inspite of my being far removed from Thee, with the far reaching and compassionate look of Thy eyes, beautiful …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 56 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 56 “Thavaaparney Karneyjapanayanapaishunyachakithaa Nileeyanthey Thoye Niyathamanimeshaaha Shapharikaaha! Iyam Cha Shreerbaddhachchadaputakavaatam Kuvalayam Jahathi Prathyooshey Nishi Cha Vighatayya Pravishathi!” Literal Meaning: “O Eternal One!The female fish without a blink, hide themselves in water, being afraid of the tell-tale activities of Thy eyes against them-their rivals; and Sri, the Goddess of beauty abandons the closed …