Meanings of twelve Names of Varahi

Meanings of twelve Names of Varahi

1) Panchami:

The Fifth ,she is the fifth of the eight matruka devis,also she is the power behind sadashiva the fifth karanrsvara as his anugraha sakthi.

2) Dandhanatha:

Commander in chief of the armed forces of sri Lalitha Devi.And who has stick in her hand.

3) Sanketha:

Secret Coded,Hinted (She will guide you with her hints(she will give you Sanket)) and in army are secret codes. She is symbol of shakti.

4) Samayeshwari:

goddess of the path where there are rules and restrictions. She is the ruler of time/kaal(she is the form of narayani ,Kali),time is in her hand .She will rule the time/Kaal.

5) Samaya sanketha:

Varahi Devi is in the form of Kala(time) swaroopini kali devi.(samayaniki समय का-time ka sanketha-Symbol).Secret code in the puja path.Since pooja is the sadhana and battle personified we have to understand the meaning and the philosophy behind every act in the pooja ,she confers on us this understanding.

6) Varahi:

Varaha shakti swaroopam,Varahi.The divine power behind Varaha avatar of sri Vishnu. female form of varaha skakti. The One who’s face is like varaah swami.

7) Pothrini:

She is worshiping in the form of Varaha shakti. The Name which is Glorifying the power of Varah. who has Boar faced power.Since boar has an ability to float and swim in waters ,she has the ability to keep her devotees afloat and steer them in the world.

8) Shivaa:

Ever auspicious.Since devi is ever pure awareness she is ever auspicious.She is the Crystal clear,pure and auspicious Lord shiva. She is sakti,who is none other than siva. She is simply the ocean o pure consciousness.

9) Varthali:

Threkaal gyani. She will carry Three times information to us.

10) mahasena:

She is the commander in chief of all the armed forces of sri Lalitha Maha tripura Sundari. She has all the resources at her disposal to ensure the defeat and subjugation of all negative energies(forces) that impact us.She ensures our well being in all aspects physical,material and spiritual.

The body with flesh,bones,blood are her armies so maintaining this body in good condition which is the boon of this devi is indicated here.

11) Agnachakreshwari:

She is the ruler of the third eye pineal gland Ajna chakra(Mid eyebrow) which is the sixth and final among the six chakras(ShadChakras) and is the one that illumines us with the knowledge of the self.This chakra alone can also activate all the below chakras and ensure the proper progress of kundalini. As the overlord of this chakra,she alone can guide and take us to the sahasrara to ensure the rise of the kundalini to its pinnacle(Shiva Shakti aikya)

12) Arigni:

Remover of enemies and upholder of rules.She is the dispeller of all negative forces and enemies.The enemies can be external or internal or both. She dispels all the negative karma and removes enmity in all its forms,with whatever means at her discretion.She will help us rise above material concerns and take us to the timeless and limitless spiritual realms.