Tag «ஆனந்த லஹரி»

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 82 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 82 “Kareendraanaam Shundaan Kanakakadaleekaandapataleem Ubhaabhyaamoorubhyaamubhayampi Nirjithya Bhavathi! Suvrutthaabhyaam Pathyuhu Pranathikathinaabhyaam Girisuthey Vidhignyey Jaanubhyaam Vibudhakarikumbhadvayamapi!” Literal Meaning: “O Daughter of the Mountain! The beauty of Thy thighs surpass the trunk of lordly elephants as also the stem of golden coloured banana trees, while, O Observer of all ordained duties, Thy knees, hardened and …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 81 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 81 “Guruthvam Visthaaram Kshithidharapathihi Paarvathinijaath Nithambaadaachchidya Thvayi Haranarupeyna Nidadhey! Athasthey Vistheerno Gururayamaseshaam Vasumatheem Nithambapraagbhaaraha Sthagayathi Laghuthvam Nayathi Cha!” Literal Meaning: “O Parvathi! Thy father, the Mountain-King has presented to Thee as dowry at the time of Thy marriage the heaviness and expanse cut out of his flanks. It is for this reason …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 80 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 80 “Kuchau Sadyaha Svidyatthataghatithakoorpaasabhidurau Kashanthau Dormooley Kalakakalashaabhau Kalayathaa! Thava Thraathum Bhangaadalamithi Valagnam Thanubhuvaa Thridhaa Naddham Devi Thrivalilavaleevallibhiriva!” Literal Meaning: “O Mother Divine! The three folds in Thy middle region look like three strands of ‘lavali’ creeper wound by Kama Deva, the God of love, as a support to prevent Thy middle region …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 79 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 79 “Nisargaksheenasya Sthanathatabhareyna Klamajusho Namanmoortheyrnaareethilaka Shanakaisthrutayatha Iva! Chiram They Madhyasya Thrutithathatineetheeratharunaa Samaavasthaastheymno Bhavathu Kushalam Shailathanaye!” Literal Meaning: O Daughter of the mountain! O ornament of womankind! May safety be assured for Thy naturally slender waist, which is labouring under the weight of Thy breasts and therefore slightly bent, threatening to break under …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 78 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 78 “Sthiro Gangaavarthaha Sthanamukularomaavalilathaa- kalaavaalam Kundam Kusumasharathejohuthabhujaha! Ratheyleelaagaaram Kimapi Thava Naabhirgirisuthey Biladwaaram Siddhergirishanayanaanaam Vijayathey! Literal Meaning: “O Daughter of the Mountain! Indescribably unique is the glory of Thy navel, which may be described as a steady whirl pool on the surface of river Ganga; the wet soil-bed for the creeper of Thy …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 77 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 77 “Yadeythathkaalindeethanutharatharangaakruthi Shivey Krushey Madhye Kinchijjanani Thava Yadbhaathi Sudhiyaam! Vimardaadanyonyam Kuchakalashayorantharagatham Thanoobhootham Vyoma Pravishadiva Naabhim Kuharineem! Literal Meaning: “O spouse of Shiva! The thing that appears on Thy slender middle region in the shape of subtle ripples in the river Kaalindi, seems to the devotees, as the ether inbetween Thy bulging breasts, …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 76 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 76 “Harakrodhajwaalaavalibhiravaleedhena Vapushaa Gabheerey They Naabheesarasi Kruthasango Manasijaha! Samutthasthau Thasmaadachalathanaye Dhoomalathikaa Janasthaam Jaaneethey Jananithava Romaavalirithi!” Literal Meaning: “O Mother born of the mountain!When the flames of Shiva’s anger began to envelop Kama Deva, he took refuge in the deep lake of Thy navel. The fire that thus got extinguished created a thin …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 75 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 75 “Thava Sthanyam Manye Dharanidharakanye Hrudayathaha Payahapaaraavaaraha Parivahathi Saaraswathamiva! Dayaavathyaa Dattham Dravidashishuraasvaadya Thava Yath Kaveenaam Praudhaanaamajani Kamaneeyaha Kavayithaa!” Literal Meaning: “O Daughter of the Mountain-King! I fancy that Thy breast-milk is the milk-ocean emerging as poetic inspiration from Thy heart. For, it was by drinking it, so graciously given by Thee, that …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 74 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 74 “Vahathyamba Sthambeyramadanuja Kumbhaprakruthibhihi Samaarabdhaam Mukthaamanibhiramalaam Haaralathikaam! Kuchaabhogo Bimbaadhararuchibhiranthaha Shabalithaam Prathaapavyaamishraam Puradamayithuhu Keerthimiva They!” Literal Meaning: O Mother! The expanse of Thy breasts bears a creeper-like necklace made of pearls got from the frontal globe of Gajaasura (the elephant-demon). It rests there with its white brilliance variegated from within by the reflection …