Tag «soundarya lahari sloka with meaning»

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 44 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 44 “Thanothu Kshemam Nasthava Vadanasoundaryalaharee Pareevaaahasrothahsaraniriva Seemanthasaranihi! Vahanthee Sindooram Prabalakabareebhaarathimira- Dvishaam Brindairbandeekruthamiva Naveenaarkakiranam!” Literal Meaning: “May we be blessed by the parting middle line of Thy hair, which appears to be a canal for carrying the overflowing flood of beauty of Thy face. The streak of vermillion adorning that line looks like the …

Soundarya Lahari Slokas 43 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.43 “Dhunothu Dwaantham Nasthulithadalithendeeravanam Ghanasnigdhasslakshnam Chikuranikurumbam Thava Shivey! Yadeeyam Saurabhyam Sahajamupalabdhum Sumanamo Vasanthasminmanye Valamathanavaateevitapinaam!” Literal Meaning: “Oh Consort of Shiva!May Thy dense, soft and oily braid of locks resembling a forest of full-blown blue lotus flowers, remove the darkness of ignorance in our hearts. I presume that the heavenly flowers of Indra’s …

Soundarya Lahari Slokas 42 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.42 “Gathairmaanikyathvam Gaganamanibhih Saandraghatitham Kireetam They Haimam Himagirisuthey Keerthayathi Yaha! Sa Needeyachchaayaachchuranashabalam Chandrashakalam Dhanuhu Shaunaasheeram Kimithi Na Nabadhnaathi Dhishanaam!” Literal Meaning: “Oh Daughter of the snow-clad mountain! The golden crown on Thy head is bedecked densely with precious gems constituted of the twelve suns. Hence a poet who describes it, is likely …

Soundarya Lahari Slokas 45 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras 45 “Araalaihi Svaabhaavyaadalikalabhasashreebhiralakaihi Pareetham They Vakthram Parihasathi Pankeyruharuchim! Darasmerey Yasmin Dashanaruchikinjalkaruchirey Sugandhau Maadyanthi Smaradahanachakshurmadhulihaha!” Literal Meaning: “Thy face surrounded by curly forelocks beautiful like a swarm of honeybees scoffs at the beauty of lotus flowers. Thy smiling and fragrant face, rendered charming by the brilliance of filmament-like rows of teeth, gives great …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 41 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.41 “Thavaadhaarey Mooley Saha samyayaa Laasya Parayaa Navaathmaanam Manye Navarasamahaathaandavanatam! Ubhaabhyaamethaabhyaamudayavidhimuddishya Dayayaa Sanaathaabhyaam Jangney Janakajananeemajjagadidam!” Literal Meaning: ” In Thy muladhara-chakra, I meditae on the navaathmaanam, who expressing nine sentiments, is engaged in the mahaathaandavanatam dance in the company of samayaa who is dancing the lassya type of dance. The Universe has …