Tag «சௌந்தர்ய லஹரி பாடல்கள்»

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 56 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 56 “Thavaaparney Karneyjapanayanapaishunyachakithaa Nileeyanthey Thoye Niyathamanimeshaaha Shapharikaaha! Iyam Cha Shreerbaddhachchadaputakavaatam Kuvalayam Jahathi Prathyooshey Nishi Cha Vighatayya Pravishathi!” Literal Meaning: “O Eternal One!The female fish without a blink, hide themselves in water, being afraid of the tell-tale activities of Thy eyes against them-their rivals; and Sri, the Goddess of beauty abandons the closed …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 55 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 55 “Nimeshonmeshaabhyaam PralayamudayamYaathiJagathee Thavethyaahuhu Santho Dharanidhararaajanyathanaye! Thvadunmeshaajjaatham Jagadidamasesham Pralayathaha Parithraathum Shankhey Parihruthanimeshaasthava Drushaha!” Literal Meaning: “O daughter of the king of mountains! The sages have said that the world gets dissolved and created with the closing and opening of Thy eyes. Therefore it must be to prevent this Universe that has sprung …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 54 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 54 “Pavithreekarthum Naha Pashupathiparaadheenahrudaye Dayaamithrairnethairarunadhavalashyaamaruchibhihi! Nadaha Shono Gangaa Thapanathanayethi Dhruvamamum Thrayaanaaam Theerthaanaamupanayasi Sambhedamanagham!” Literal Meaning: “O Goddess who has surrendered Her heart to the Lord of creatures (Shiva)! It seems certain that with Thy compassionate eyes having the three colours of red, white and black. Thou presentest to us the confluence of …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 52 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 52 “Gathey Karnaabhyarnam Garutha Iva Pakshmaani Dadhathi Puraam Bhethushchitthaprashamarasavidraavanaphaley! Imey Nethrey Gothraadharapathikulotthamsakalikey Thavaakarnaakrushtasmarasharavilaasam Kalayathaha!’ Literal Meaning: “O Mother! Thou art the bud placed on the Mountain King’s dynasty!These long eyes of Thine, which extend upto the ears, with eye lashes resembling the feathery wings attached to the arrows and which are engaged …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 53 with Meaning and Yantra

  Soundarya Lahari Sloka 53 “Vibhakthathraivarnyam Vyathikarithaleelaanjanathayaa Bibhaathi Thvannethrathrithayamidameeshaanadayithey! Punaha Srashtum Devaan Druhinaharirudraanuparathaan Rajaha Sathvam Vibhratthama Ithi Gunaan Thrayamiva!” Literal Meaning: “O Consort of Ishvaraa! Thy three eyes look tri-coloured when the black of the beauty-collyrium shines by the side of their natural white and reddish tinges, each keeping its distinctiveness. It looks as if …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 51 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 51 “Shivey Shrungaaraardhraa Thaditharajaney Kuthsanaparaa Saroshaa Gangaayaam Girishacharithey Vismayavathi! Haraahibhyo Bheethaa Sarasiruhasowbhaagyajananee Sakheeshusmeraa They Mayi Jananee Drushtihi Sakarunaa!” Literal Meaning: “O Mother!The expression of Thy look at Shiva is characterised by the sentiment of love; at others with that of dislike, at the co-wife Ganga with that of anger; at the hearing …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 50 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 50   “Kaveenaam Sandarbhasthabakamakarandaikarasikam Kataakshavyaakshepabhramarakalabhau Karnayugalam! Amunchyanthau Drushtvaa Thava Navarasaasvaadatharalau Asooyaasamsargaadalikanayanam Kinchidarunam!’ Literal Meaning: “The two honey-bees of Thy long eyes are constantly hovering about Thy ear, to imbibe the honey dripping from the flower bunch of the nine poetic sentiments poured into them by poet-devotees (singing hymns on Thee). Seeing this …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 49 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 49 “Vishaalaa Kalyaanee Sphutaruchirayodhyaa Kuvalayaihi Kripaadhaaraadhaaraa Kimapi Madhurabhogavathikaa! Avanthee Drushtisthey Bahunagaravisthaaravijayaa Dhruvam Thaththannaamavyavaharanayogyaa Vijayathe!” Literal Meaning:- “All glories to Thy eyes which are wide (vishaalaa); auspicious (kalyaani) because of being brilliantly clear; undefeated (ayodhyaa) even by blue lillies; shedding a continuous flow of grace (kripaadhaaraa-dhaaraa); subtly sweet (madhura); long (abhogavathi); and offering …

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 48 with Meaning and Yantra

Soundarya Lahari Sloka 48 “Ahaha Soothe Savyam Thava Nayanamarkaathmakathayaa Thriyaamaam Vaamam They Srujathi Rajaneenaayakathayaa! Thrutheeyaa They Drushtirdaradalithahemaambujaruchihi Samaadhatthey Sandhyaam Divasanishayorantharachareem!” Literal Meaning: “Thy right eye being of the nature of the Sun gives birth to the day; Thy left of the Moon causes night, and Thy third eye, resembling a golden lotus slightly in bloom, …